Chair Duties


Nominations Chairperson will be appointed by the President, and nominations for Officers and elected Board members will commence at the April meeting and posted on the website. The election of elected Officers and elected Board members will be held at the June meeting. If any office is contested, a paper ballot will be given to every paid member in attendance at that meeting. The ballots will be counted and the winner will be announced then. A simple majority is needed to win an office.

Anyone being nominated for an Officer or Board position, elected or appointed must be a current paid member of the IARC, Inc. in good standing at the time of their nomination. If elected, they must maintain their paid membership during the entire term of office.

The ELECTED OFFICERS shall consist of the following: President, Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

Elected Officers will serve for a two (2) year term and no more than two (2) consecutive terms to be served before they must vacate their office for a minimum of one (1) term, the Treasurer position is excluded from the rule of consecutive terms and allowed to run as many times as they wish.

The BOARD of DIRECTORS shall consist of three (3) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, one (1) member to be elected each year at the June meeting.