Alexa Seleno

Submission guidelines to the Antenna Wire newsletter

Submission guidelines to the Antenna Wire newsletter

Article Submission Guidelines for the The Antenna Wire

Thank you for your interest in submitting an article to the The Antenna Wire newsletter. Please thoroughly read and follow the article and graphics guidelines before submitting an article for consideration. Articles must follow these guidelines to be considered for publication.

Article Guidelines

Articles should be provided in Microsoft Word files (.doc or .docx). Do not use any fancy formatting, styles, or desktop publishing to produce your article. Do not send articles in PDF format.


The title serves as the author’s invitation to a diverse audience; it should be chosen with care. Authors must provide identifying information on the first page of the article, including the name(s) of the author(s), his/her/their affiliations and/or contact information, bio sketches, or acknowledgements. Some or all of this information may be moved to the end of the article.

Author references should be cited just after the article’s title: author’s first and last name (including any salutations, i.e. Sr., Dr., or titles/certifications held: PhD, GISP, also include the author’s professional affiliation if any.


Prepare your articles in the English language using Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), or WordPerfect. If submitting from a Macintosh computer, please include the three-letter file extension in the file name of your article. PDF files are not acceptable. Include acknowledgements if necessary.

Construction of Articles

File Submission

Articles in PDF format are not acceptable. Supplemental files (graphics, photos) in PDF format are not acceptable. The text of the article should be in text editable format like Microsoft Word, etc.


Potentially audience-unknown or obscure words or phrases may be amplified by concise definitions. The words or phrases should be italicized in the article, and numbered sequentially in the text (subscript), immediately following the word or phrase defined later in the article. The list of words or phrases and their definitions should appear immediately after the body of the article.

Units of Measure:

English system of units; metric units can be noted in parentheses following the English units, if necessary.


Maps, graphs, graphics, and photos should convey ideas efficiently and tastefully. Graphics must be legible, concise, and referenced in the text. Illustrations must be designed to fit the page and column format of the Metes and Bounds digital newsletter: 7.5 × 10-inch page (3.3 × 10 inches for a single column figure). For digital publication purposes, all graphics must be computer-generated and will be accepted in the following formats only: .gif, .png. jpg, .eps (Encapsulated Postscript) for most illustrations, or .tif/.tiff (Tagged-Image File Format) for raster images. Type font sizes below 6-point should be avoided for purposes of visual clarity. PDF files are not acceptable.

Send a caption of each graphic in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) correlating the graphic file name with the caption. Send graphics separately but at the same time as the article. E-mail them or request assistance from the newsletter staff to upload them. Word documents and graphics can be bundled in a zip file format.


All tables must be referenced in the text. Each table must be typed double-spaced on a separate page in the same 12-point font as the text, and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. Each table must have a descriptive title as well as informational column and row headings. Decimals appearing in tables should include leading zeros: 0.5148 rather than .5148. Tables or figures are not to be embedded in article files. They should be placed at the end of the document. Reference notes (Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 3, Table 4) should be in the body of the article for an author-preferred placeholder for all tables or figures. Figure files can be sent as .gif, .jpg, .eps, and .tif; table files must be submitted in .xls or similar formats. PDF files are not acceptable.


All sources in the text of a paper must be listed in the references section and vice versa. List all references alphabetically by the author’s last name and chronologically, and if possible, please include full names for all authors. Provide the full, unabbreviated title of books and periodicals. Personal communications can be cited either in endnotes or in the references section. All newspaper articles and articles from weekly magazines should be fully cited in the references section rather than worked into the text of the paper. For examples of the correct style for various forms of publication, see the MLA-style guidelines provided by the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).


In accordance with copyright laws, the articles and artwork submitted must not duplicate substantial portions of previously published material. If articles or artwork incorporate previously published material that is not the property of the submitter or submitting business, company, or corporation, the submitter is responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright holder and for any costs associated with the use of the copyrighted materials. It is the responsibility of the submitter to obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material, including images and spreadsheet files. It is preferable to place artwork directly in the body of articles and into the newsletter where space is available, but when permission for copyrighted material is unobtainable, it is acceptable to include a link to the image directly in the advertisement.

Each event requires a separate e-mail submission.

Please do not group two or more events in a single document as photos and articles may be confused and mismatched.

Submissions are subject to editing prior to publication.

Newsletter Review

After evaluation by the Communications Committee, all articles and artwork are compiled into a rough draft of the Metes and Bounds Newsletter. Compilation of articles and artwork normally takes one to two weeks. The rough drafts of the newsletters are generally reviewed by the The Antenna Wire Executive Board and other Committee Chairs. The review process normally takes one week. Once the review process has completed, modifications are made and the newsletter is published then disseminated to the current The Antenna Wire Membership and advertisers via e-mail.

Article Submission

Submission of articles should be e-mailed to the The Antenna Wire In sending work to The Antenna Wire for publication, the submitter attests that the work is original and that he /she is (or they) are the author(s). If the work is sourced from professional websites or other publications, due credit must be given with the submission, and a ‘Submitted By:” note will be inserted by the Communications Committee in the article, should it be accepted by the editor of The Antenna Wire.

Article Submission Checklist

Each event requires a separate e-mail submission.

Please do not group two or more events in a single document as photos and articles may be confused and mismatched.

Submissions are subject to editing prior to publication.

When submitting an article, you can check that it meets the The Antenna Wires requirements by reviewing the following items:


Statements of fact and opinion in the articles and advertising artwork are those of the respective authors and contributors and not of The Antenna Wire, the sponsors of The Antenna Wire, or the editors or The Antenna Wire newsletters. No representation, express or implied, is made of the accuracy of the material in this journal and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The reader should make his or her own evaluation of the accuracy and appropriateness of those materials.

The Antenna Wire reserves the right to approve or deny any article, at any time. The decision is final. Articles accepted for publication will be copyrighted by W8WE and with your name as the actual author.

When you are ready to submit your article /advertizement, you can click on this link


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