[Sticky] The Antenna Wire Newsletter
This is where you can find past articles for the Antenna Wire, the W8WE's new newsletter. I will be starting this newsletter after the 1st of the year.
I will be also placing the links to the newsletter signups:
The Good Morning Brew - this is a post newsletter that will deliver the new posts into your mailbox from the day before.
The Weekly Brew - This is a post newsletter that will be delivered on Friday morning, which will have all the poers from the past week.
The Antenna Wire - This will be the main newsletter for the club. with articles, and even advertisements from companies who want to show off there equiptment. I will have more information on advertisements in another post. But this again is a monthly newsletter, it will include club goings on, hamfests in the Ohio area. feild days, and so on, plus informative articles for ham radio.
I will have the links to each newsletter on the main page to the left. I will be working on that part soon.
Ray Buettner - N0MRB
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