October 15, 2024
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[Closed] October 15, 2024

Member Admin
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Did a lot of work on getting everything corrected, also the entire board members have a contact form. and I will need to get email addresses from them, so when someone goes to the secure contact form section, the email will be scanned for junk, if it is ok, then forwarded to the correct person.

Danny Baily, now has full access to the forums section where 98% of all IARC and ARES will be able to talk behind a private area. What you see on the front page of the site, it eye candy, (so to speak) the main area for club and ARES members will be hidden inside the forums. I can imagine everyone wanting to jump down my back, because of how it looks from the (Guest side) of things. but as you give me your info, so I can sign you up, and actually see the hidden section, then you will temper your doubts of how and why I did things this way. Safety is paramount for the members and board. you may not think it is not, but again, you will understand when you are able to access the private area.

As I said before, the front section is where it is basically eye candy, the front page, and the forums area where gusts can see the open areas, but can not comment or do anything, like post, or reply or the likes. and when they register for an account, then they will have a special (General Member) tag on them, with no, ( and I will say it again. NO ACCESS to the private areas.

With that said, and the prior update. next meeting, have your name, call sign, email address, and password ( again, you can change once you are able to log in.

I have now completed the entire minutes area, with the exception of the years from 1940 to 2006. there were a lot of missing information, as in NO Minutes at all taken for most years, not just the years from 45 to 2006, but a lot from 2006 onward, lots of months with nothing, and trust me I did a lot of reading to find any scrap of minutes. Be it because the person lost them, or decided to not care about their duties. they are gone forever.  But I will be putting what I do have on 4 backup drives I have external drives, and those are stored away in a fire proof box. So they will be safe.  I do have a copy of the entire old site, most of it is corrupted. but I scanned them before I pulled them off the server. some had nasty viruses. so had to destroy those.

I will have a update maybe on our weekly club net, but a new update will be done on Thursday afternoon. God willing.

N0MRB, Ray