October 14, 2024 up...
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[Closed] October 14, 2024 update

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After some time to recover from the flu, I restarted fixing the new site.

First off, Yes I make mistakes, spelling and otherwise. it CAN be fixed. No one on this planet is perfect, Judge not, lest ye be judged as been my motto for life. Tell Me DIRECTLY, for now, till next meeting (Read onward).

1) I have completed the minutes, and added them into the club private section. Where ALL the club stuff will be posted. you want doings in the club, it is now private, with the exception of the calendar on the front page.

2) The information you see, is copied from the old messed up site. to include links, times, ect. Nothing, (with the exception of the calendar) is up to date. and will not be till I get all the information I need to update said sections.

3) I have been making changes, because as I have said before. you want new members???? you want more interaction with other clubs???? you want better recognition with those whom are in charge, and not talking club level??? or do you want a club who's sole mission is to care not what others think?  This is the reason why I offered to take over the website redo. to put a better face on the club, as opposed to what it is now. Rome was not built in a day. and despite personal feelings, Change happens, and in this case, for the better. I have had over 20 years of making websites for major clients, and each of them when done has praised me for my time and insights.

4) Yes there are some mistakes, but till I get correct information, I cannot fix it. So you have information, you want it added, you have problems. Email me directly at the new contact form, https://w8we.org/contact-forms/general-contact-us/   Soon (when I have the members details at this coming meeting. I will need your Name, your Call sign, and a password (which you can change after your first time login to this forums section), and your official title, (if any).

Once you give me this information, you will be able to access the forums section, and the club private area, away from the public view. This is where 99% of the club will interact with one another. and from there, there is a section in the private area, that you can post, and send me the information, so I can fix the public view area. or make corrections. As for the Board members, they will have their OWN PRIVATE AREA to communicate.


5) I have put up 90% of the minutes that could be found. the rest is the older minutes, say from early club, to 1986.

6) I will next be uploading photographs from club and ares.  When it has been uploaded. the next set will be for you to post in a special section, with the number of the picture, and the album, with the name of the person, so the picture can be changed with the name of the person in the photo, or event information.  This WILL take some time to get done. right now, this is one of the last things that will be done.

7) AGAIN, THIS COMING MEETING REMEMBER, five me the following info:
Name, Call sign, Title (if any), and password (and you can change it when you log into the forum.) I am doing this to make sure ONLY MEMBERS have the special permissions to access the areas. I do not wish to have fake or spam people in the private area. I am sure you agree…..

More updates to follow soon, just keep watching this section.

N0MRB, Ray Buettner