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The old domain name is pointing to, no reason to have 2 places running, and it was voted to let domain go. so all old signin options for will no longer work. If you had access there, you do not now. also will not (at present) have anyone else in it, till I can get done.

Now I remember why I left the present hosting provider, it takes, it is slower than a sloth, I will be happy when I can move it to my server, where it is 99% faster. Also a few things have been added to this site, the first is for those who have issues reading the site, if you run your mouse over the menu links, it now speaks that link. Also, if you highlight the text on that page, it will automatically read it for you with a spoken voice.

As some have brough it up in the last meeting, I will be adding a restricted section to this site. Honestly, after some thought, I do believe that some things about the club should be hidden, and not accessable to the general public. I am at this point, not going to add a members personal pages area, due to it being a more complex area, that I have to make sure it totally secure, before I add it. It also maybe a restricted forum section. most for club members only, then another part for the general public.

Adding the older minutes will be fun, not everything is there, and more spelling errors than I can make in a year. So some time to sort that out. But when the new club minutes come in. (which by the way, can be added though a link I will be doing on the front end soon. more on that when we talk on the net Wednesday evening.

I (for now) am going to be adding the North Central Ohio weather forcasts here, (Unless someone says they do not like it) But I figured that it offers a fresh front end to the site, to make it more attended, as opposed to “”a site, with content, and that is it””
