Alexa Seleno


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Round Tables and "Turning it Over


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When more than two stations are engaged in conversation, it is referred to as a round table discussion, or simply "round table". As the name implies, a round table conversation follows a specific order from amateur A to amateur B to amateur C... and eventually back to amateur A again to complete the round table.

To maintain the round table order, when a station has finished making a transmission, they "turn it over" to the next station in the sequence, such as by stating "go ahead Joe" before unkeying. If it is time to identify, the station may do so as part of turning it over to the next station, such as by saying "This is N0MRB, go ahead Joe" or "WJ3XYZ to take it, this is N0MRB." When there are multiple stations in a conversation, even if it is not a formal round table with a defined order, it is the responsibility of each station to turn it over to a specific station, otherwise there ends up either being dead silence as nobody knows who should transmit next, or the opposite occurs and several stations end up talking at once. Ending a transmission and leaving it "up for grabs" as to who should transmit next is poor operating practice. Likewise, giving one-word responses to questions leads to confusion and "dead air" - when it's your turn, make a full and thoughtful transmission and then turn it over to the next station.

To join a round table that is in progress, simply state your callsign during the courtesy tone interval. The next station in rotation should acknowledge the new station and either turn it over to them, or let them know what their place is in the rotation, and inform them what station follows them to keep the round table rotation intact. Remember to introduce yourself by giving your callsign and name when you make your first transmission upon entering the round table.

When participating in a round table conversation, or any conversation in general for that matter, if you are struggling to find something meaningful to contribute, rather than pausing, stumbling to find words, or making small talk to fill time, simply turn it over to the next station. There is no point in dragging out a conversation that has run its natural course; it is better to end on a high note than waiting until the discussion grinds to an awkward halt.

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