Alexa Seleno


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Mind Your Manners


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Repeaters are a large part of amateur radio (ham radio), and ham radio is a respected radio service created with specific federal objectives in mind. Just because the law defines us as radio amateurs does not mean that we are or should act unprofessionally in our approach to on-air procedures and operations. Amateur only means we practice our art without pecuniary interest (i.e. we are not paid for what we do, nor may we be). Common sense and good amateur practice dictate that basic guidelines and etiquette be followed.

When you turn on your rig, check your volume setting to be sure you can hear any activity on the repeater. When preparing to use a repeater that appears to be inactive, listen for at least a few seconds before keying up to make your call to ensure the silence you hear is not just a brief is not just a break in an ongoing conversation or net. It is also good practice to confirm the repeater is inactive by asking “Is the repeater in use? " followed by your callsign.

When visiting a new repeater, take some time to monitor before jumping in to get a feel for the type of traffic and operating mannerisms of that particular system. Some repeaters are very free-wheeling in that there are people jumping in and out of conversations constantly. Others primarily have directed calls on them and discourage ragchewing. If published on a web site or elsewhere, read and adhere to the specific rules and policies for a given repeater. Listen before you speak. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Use language that would be suitable for prime-time television, not R rated movies. Avoid starting or encouraging conflicts on the air. If a topic of conversation starts to draw strong debate, change the subject. Other radio amateurs, governmental agencies, emergency response units, and even TV and radio stations monitor our frequencies, particularly in times of urgent events and inclement weather. Your comments and behavior are a reflection of not only you as a person, but much more importantly of amateur radio in general. The public views us as one group, and like many things in life, one bad apple spoils the bunch.

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