Joining a Conversation
If you would like to join a conversation in progress, simply state your callsign during the courtesy tone interval after another station unkeys. This is one of the reasons for having a courtesy tone: to afford other stations the courtesy to break in. One of the other stations, typically the station that was about to begin his or her transmission, will invite you to join the discussion, either before making his or her own transmission or after it. They may refer to you, the new station, as "the breaking station" when inviting you to join.
Do not break into a conversation unless you have something relevant to add to the current topic of discussion. Interrupting a conversion is no more polite on a repeater than it is in person, especially when there is an intellectual discussion in progress, or if the conversation is among close friends. Although not generally polite nor encouraged during casual conversation, if there are communications occurring that are related to an emergency, or when completing a communication rapidly is necessary, the breaking station may be ignored until the current communications are completed, and in such cases, the breaking station should not repeatedly attempt to break in.
Do not use the term "break" to join into a conversation. The word "break" is reserved for emergency communications and priority traffic only.
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