Alexa Seleno


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Breaking In to Make a Call


Illustrious Member Admin
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If you need to make a directed call to another station but there is already a conversion in progress and you cannot wait until it has finished, break into the conversation during the courtesy tone interval by stating "call please" followed by your callsign. One of the stations will allow you to make your call, using the same convention described in the Directed Call section earlier.

If the station you are calling does not immediately respond, simply clear your station. If the station you are calling returns your call, you should quickly pass traffic to them and relinquish the repeater back to the stations who were in conversation. If you need to speak with the party you called for any significant length of time, perhaps more than 15 seconds, ask the other party to either wait until the current conversation has ended and the other stations have cleared, or ask them to move to another repeater or simplex frequency to continue the conversation. Remember to thank the other stations for letting you in, and identify when you clear, whether or not the party you were calling responded.

Once again, do not use the term "break" unless it is an emergency.

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