[Closed] Two-way Emergency Radio Frequencies – FRS/GMRS/MURS
Family Radio Service, General Mobile Radio Service, and Multi-Use Radio Service radios can all be very handy for short distance two-way radio communication in a survival or disaster situation. They’re easy to use, channelized (no complicated frequencies to understand), and operate in the VHF/UHF spectrum. There aren’t any channels that are monitored specifically for disaster or emergency messages, but it’s worth a shot to call out on the MURS frequencies.
151.820 MHz (This is the frequency most commonly used.)
151.880 MHz (This is a common repeater frequency. Repeaters extend the range of a radio.)
151.940 MHz (Unofficial emergency frequency commonly used by preppers.)
154.570 MHz (Shared with business radio.)
154.600 MHz (Shared with business radio.)
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