Alexa Seleno


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[Closed] Common Amateur Filing Task: Changing Address


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Filing Electronically using the Universal Licensing System

If your license has not expired, 47 C.F.R Section 97.21 requires you to file timely for an update of the license as necessary to show your correct mailing address, name, email address, club name, license trustee or custodian name. Revocation of your station license or suspension of your operator license may result when correspondence from the FCC is returned as undeliverable because you failed to provide the correct mailing address. For an operator/primary station license, the application must be filed electronically in ULS.

For a club or military recreation station license, you must file through a Club Station Call Sign Administrator. See the Public Notice on CSCSAs ( text - pdf - Worddocument download).

Filing Electronically using the Universal Licensing System

To change an address associated with a license, go to the Universal Licensing System, select Online Filing, and do the following:

  1. Login with your FRN and Password.
  2. Choose Update from the Work on This License menu on the right hand side of your License At A Glance screen.
    Note: For additional help with this process, click on the Common Questions that appear on most pages of ULS License Manager, or click the Help link at the top right of each page.
  3. Answer the questions on the Applicant Questions page. Then click Continue.
  4. On the licensee page, update your licensee address and any other relevant information by typing your information into the text boxes provided. When ready, click Continue.
  5. On the Summary page review the information you have entered. If you wish to make additional changes, click the Edit button next to the section of your application you wish to Edit. You will be able to return to that page of the application. Make the desired change and select the Return to Summary button.
  6. When ready to submit your update to the Commission, choose the Continue to Certify button.
  7. After reading the certification, enter your first and last names and title if appropriate in the boxes at the bottom of the page. You MUST sign the application. When finished choose the Submit Application button.
  8. From the ULS Confirmation screen, we recommend you print a copy of your application and/or the Confirmation screen itself from your web browser.

Note: The address and contact information you have entered in CORES registration will not be automatically associated with your licenses. To change the address or other contact information on your license, you must update your information in ULS.

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