[Closed] If you want to buy or sell here - PLEASE READ
If you want to buy or sell here, then add something to the community.
You need to have 50 posts or have been a member for 1+ years to post in the buy/sell forum. If you post your things in another forum to get around this limitation your post will be deleted and you will get a warning. If you do it again, you will be banned for a week or more - maybe even forever. This includes putting links to your own Reverb/Ebay/Whatever ads for items that you are selling.
Please keep the thread titles simple, The only thing that should be in a thread title is the name of the item being sold
1994 Guild S100 - Great Title
1994 Guild S100 with SD1 pickups $1600 with $150 shipping and only shipping to US 48 States - not a good title
Bad titles will be fixed at the moderator's discretion
If you are willing to meet locally instead of shipping then please include your location At the very least post what state, region or country you're selling from.
Please post only items you yourself are selling, or looking to buy Keep ebay, Reverb, craigslist & other listings in the proper category.
Please don't post until you are ready to sell.
You must include a price in the original listing.
If possible, list only one equiptment per thread.
Please update the thread prefix when the equiptment has been sold or withdrawn from sale. Changing the thread prefix to Sold, Closed or Withdrawn will alert the system so it will close the thread automatically.
A donation of a percentage of a successful sale toward supporting the forum is greatly appreciated. I'll leave the value of this service to your judgment. If you abuse this and sell a bunch of equiptment without making a donation you may end up banned. This is not necessary if you have a paid membership.
Please self-moderate when responding.
No price discussions. Start another thread elsewhere if your opinion of the price is important.
Keep focused on the specific equiptment that is for sale. Please have general discussions about the model or similar equiptments elsewhere.
Do not comment on the price, do not comment on why it's not selling, and do not comment on what you think is wrong with the ad. In short, do not comment in any way that could affect the outcome of the sale.
The "Ham Radio Gear For Sale, Wish, Barter or trade" forum is not for generic discussion: please don't veer here.
InterCity Amateur Radio Club, its owner(s), and its moderators bear no responsibility and offer no protection for any sale, purchase, trade or any other transaction made here. Do your own due dilligence, beware of scammers, and when in doubt, don’t do the deal.
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