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[Closed] Ham Radio Emergency Frequencies


Illustrious Member Admin
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  1. 34.90 MHz: Nationwide emergency channel for the National Guard.
  2. 39.46 MHz: Emergency communication channel for local and state police.
  3. 47.42 MHz: Nationwide relief operations channel for the Red Cross.
  4. 52.525 MHz: FM calling frequency for ham radio operators in their six-meter band, especially active during exceptional propagation conditions.
  5. 121.50 MHz: International aeronautical emergency frequency.
  6. 138.225 MHz: Primary FEMA channel for disaster relief operations.
  7. 146.52 MHz: Ham radio frequency for non-repeater communications on the two-meter band.
  8. 151.625 MHz: Utilized by mobile businesses such as circuses, exhibitions, trade shows, and sports teams. Other channels in use are 154.57 and 154.60 MHz.
  9. 154.28 MHz: Local fire department emergency communication channel. Additional frequencies include 154.265 and 154.295 MHz.
  10. 155.160 MHz: Local and state agency channel for search and rescue operations.
  11. 155.475 MHz: Local and state police emergency communication channel.
  12. 156.75 MHz: International maritime weather alerts channel.
  13. 156.80 MHz: International maritime distress, calling, and safety channel.
  14. 162.40 MHz to 162.55 MHz: Series of channels used for NOAA weather broadcasts and bulletins. Also 163.275 MHz.
  15. 163.4875 MHz: Nationwide emergency channel for the National Guard.
  16. 163.5125 MHz: National disaster preparedness frequency for the armed forces.
  17. 164.50 MHz: National communication channel for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  18. 168.55 MHz: Federal civilian agency channel for emergencies and disasters.
  19. 243.00 MHz: Military aviation emergency channel.
  20. 259.70 MHz and 296.80 MHz: Frequencies for the Space Shuttle during re-entry and landing.
  21. 311.00 MHz and 319.40 MHz: Active U.S. Air Force in-flight channels.
  22. 317.70 MHz and 317.80 MHz: Active channels for U.S. Coast Guard aviation.
  23. 340.20 MHz: Active channel for U.S. Navy aviation.
  24. 409.20 MHz: National communication channel for the Interstate Commerce Commission.
  25. 409.625 MHz: National communication channel for the Department of State.
  26. 462.675 MHz: General Mobile Radio Service channel for emergency communication and traveler assistance.

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