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[Closed] September 4, 2020

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Joined: 2 weeks ago
Posts: 235
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I. Call to order: Duane Meadows-K8MDA, President called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. local time.

II. Roll call: Introductions of club members and/or guests.

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting: Last meeting was March 6th. No meeting minutes were submitted. No approval required.

Financial Report – Harry Mains, N8XMI
a) Balance of accounts were reviewed with members
b) Motion to approve – Dave Weigold, N8DPW Seconded by Harry Frietchen, K8HF

IV. Committee Reviews
a) Health and Welfare – Nothing to report

b) Education – At this time no classes are scheduled

c) PIO – Member not present-Nothing to report.

d) Tech Report – Dave Weigold, N8DPW reported that due to snow, antenna was not installed on the current tower. Dave talked with Mike at VASU to establish a date of 10/5 or 10/12 to replace .94 antenna mounts, sway bars, jumpers and various pieces of equipment as well as replace jumper for .36 machine. Discussed replacing ties for towers to withstand elements for the up and coming years.

Harry Frietchen, K8HF asked about SWR check.

Dave Weigold, N8DPW reported that the tower was put up in the 70’s maybe earlier and that the next inspection is next year. If the tower fails the inspection, Rob Meisse has stated the tower will come down.

Harry Frietchen, K8HF asked about the date of the next inspection. Dave Weigold, N8DPW is going to check.

Various discussion took place questioning the investment in replacement parts for the repeaters if inspection is next year. If money is invested in parts then tower fails inspection, the club would be out the money invested.

e) ARES – Danny Bailey, W8DLB – reported on field day which members worked from home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Individuals who participated were able to count their individual points as well as report their points to count towards the club score.

Ohio QSO Party took place 3 weeks prior to the meeting, Danny was able to work 45/88 counties. Danny experienced a pile-up at one point due to operators needing a contact with Richland County.

Parks on the Air is September 12th, no permit was issued due to park not having available restrooms, liability, etc. Some operators still considering participating.

1st weekend in October – SET (Simulated Emergency Test), purpose is to get hams used to passing traffic. Discussion around ARRL radiograms and IC 213 forms which will eventually replace radiograms. No EMA’s are participating in this exercise. Discussion took place around software, most specifically Fldigi. Danny also reported he has his Fusion repeater up and running in Shiloh and GMRS functionality is also available. His repeater is 443.100 +110.9 PL tone. Danny also reviewed the Ohio HF Preparedness Net, Ohio Single Sideband Net, and also reviewed Signal Link and Accoustic options for radio audio interface to computer.

ARES Mtg - Dinner at Denny’s 6:00 P.M. Discussion of the SET will take place.

Skywarn Discussion took place, Danny reported that classes are online at the Cleveland Weather YouTube Channel. Cleveland Weather station moving to Brooklyn Heights, must pay to park. Equipment will remain at the airport.

f) Hamfest – Duane Meadows, K8MDA reported that cards and tickets will be printed for 2021 Hamfest. No door prizes will be purchased until last minute due to COVID-19 rules and volatility. Ad will also be run in QST. If club would cancel Hamfest, it would cost $1800.00 however if the club would have to cancel due to pandemic, $1800.00 should not have to be paid by the club. Due to the large job of selling/organizing table sales, etc., a decision has been made to have 4-5 members help with the job that Danny, W8DLB has been doing several years by himself.

g) Ham of the Year Banquet – Suggestion by Duane, K8MDA to continue to have dinner but drop the Ham of the Year award due to most members receiving their award for efforts in the past and the lack of new members, participation, members passing on, etc. Duane asked the members to think about this and offer any input or idea’s regarding the dinner. Danny, W8DLB suggested we name this banquet an annual banquet.

V. Old Business: Duane, K8MDA reported that Jon Ness’s contract was extended a year. A zoom meeting took place in June, by-laws were temporarily set aside, not permanent.

Tom, KB8UXS, Secretary took a job in Columbus. Left position vacant.

VI. New Business

a) Motion to approve Jenny Taylor, N8QKE, Secretary to replace Tom, KB8UXS Motion to approve – Dave Weigold, N8DPW Seconded by Danny Bailey, W8DLB

b) Membership Dues – Due in November, (60-day grace period)

c) 50/50 Drawing – KD8MSZ – David – Winner

VII. Adjournment

a) Motion to Adjourn – Danny Bailey, W8DLB Seconded by John Thornton, KD8WPE

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Taylor, N8QKE