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[Closed] January 3, 2020

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The meeting was called to order by the President, Duane, at 19:32.

N8EI and N8CD and W8GMF as special guests from Silver Creek Amateur Radio Club to present on Digital Repeater networks.

W8GMF from Wayne County ARC Reading and Correction of Previous two months Meeting’s Minutes, The minutes for the meeting of were approved as presented; moved/seconded by: W8DLB/KC8HDP.

Financial Report: Balances were read out. PayPal monies starting to come in for the Hamfest. The Financial Report was presented by and approved. Moved/seconded by: Danny / Harry

43 paid members; 17 present

Health & Welfare Report: K8HF shared about N8DYE, Jim Harris passed, Dick Hensel’s XYL passed away in the past week.

Education Committee Report: Looking at Saturday mornings for 10 wks. After the Hamfest.
No VE test in January, next one is at the Hamfest

Technical Committee Report Dave: Antenna is in Spent time at WVNO lashing down the coax Attempting to work with Vazu on arranging the changeout of the antenna when the weather is warmer

ARES Report Danny: Doing from home in order to avoid deep snow or floods.

ARRL Report: No Report

PIO Report by Danny:

ARRL has new magazine coming out bimonthly.

Old Business: Winter Field Day is weekend of 01/26, not February

HamFest: 7 Vendors signed up already, ESL is not which will cost us 14 tables.
Girl Scouts not available to sell tickets but can assist with setting up tables.
Tickets to HamFest are now available
Universal set us up with some good door prizes
The Food people will be there
The club will provide pizza to the helpers amount of up to $100 approved for this on motion of amount of up to $100 approved for this on motion of W8DLB/N8TWM.W8DLB/N8TWM.

New Business: Tom, KB8UXS shared about the IARU Region 2 Youth Camp and asked the club to explore supporting with a scholarship for a local youth to attend.with a scholarship for a local youth to attend.

DX Engineering Winter Sale coming up.nter Sale coming up.
KC8HDP donated his 50/50 winnings back to the club.
The meeting was adjourned at 2006 on motion by Danny/KC8HDP for a presentation on Digital Repeater Networks.Repeater Networks.