The Great Falls Masonic Amateur Radio Club (GFMARC), KK7MR, in Great Falls, Montana, received a grant from the ARRL Foundation to purchase five library book kits to give to local and rural libraries in Montana. The library book kits contain 11 books dealing with amateur radio and testing guides for all three license classes. Two kits were given to the Great Falls Public Library for their shelves and bookmobile. One kit was given to the Wedsworth Memorial Library, the Fairfield Public Library, and the Arden G. Hill Memorial Library within the Malmstrom Air Force Base.
All the libraries lacked information about amateur radio, and providing the books will allow patrons throughout Montana access to the information. With many libraries in Montana being rural, it is another way to reach more patrons, inspire a small community about becoming licensed to help with emergency communications within their community, or even help a farmer or rancher while out in their fields tending to crops or cattle touch base with their home station or contact emergency services. The ARRL library book kits will provide information and start them on their journey to becoming licensed amateur radio operators.
By GFMARC Public Relations & Media Chair Char Ross, KK7KBM.