
For the areas around Cleveland, it is the Cleveland site at

Skywarn (sometimes stylized as SKYWARN) is a program of the National Weather Service (NWS). Its mission is to collect reports of localized severe weather in the United States. These reports are used to aid forecasters in issuing and verifying severe weather watches and warnings and to improve the forecasting and warning processes and the tools used to collect meteorological data. Reports are also used by local emergency managers and public safety organizations.

Skywarn consists of a network of severe storm spotters who observe weather conditions and make reports of severe weather to their local NWS offices. These spotters are regularly trained by personnel from the local NWS offices. In many areas, classes are conducted each spring in advance of the coming severe weather season. Many SKYWARN spotters use methods to communicate with one another during severe storm events. A notable example of this is through the use of amateur radio nets, which is still an important method since severe weather can significantly disrupt local telecommunications systems. The program began in 1965, and counts over 300,000 active trained spotters.

Storm spotting

Where severe storms are possible, storm spotting groups such as Skywarn in the United States coordinate amateur radio operators and localized spotters to keep track of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. Reports from spotters and chasers are given to the National Weather Service so that they have ground truth information to warn the general public. Spotting provides ground information and localized conditions that the National Weather Service might not know the extent or might not otherwise be aware of. They typically report events, such as structures struck by lightning, rotating wall clouds, funnel clouds—or conditions that exceed specific thresholds, such as extremely strong winds, significant hail or very heavy rainfall. The exact reporting thresholds can vary by region and may even dynamically change during a severe weather event. Spotters also give reports during winter storms, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires. Some spotters also play a role in damage assessment after a disaster, by reporting or documenting areas of damage, and by helping to formulate preliminary damage estimates (such as for tornadoes).

Other countries have similar programs, such as the Canadian spotting program Canwarn, the SkyWarnUK and the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO) programs in the United Kingdom, and Skywarn Europe for several European countries.


Once your spotter group is organized, you’ll need to provide training. The local NWS offers severe storm spotter training (SKYWARN training) upon request and can teach information ranging from basic introductory material to the latest advanced meteorologic findings about severe storm structure. In fact, no single level of training can be given to all groups because of the wide variety of knowledge and experience among storm spotters.

A spotter training class is essential for new or growing spotter groups. Established spotter groups may only need training every other year. Dispatchers, EOC personnel, and/or Net Controllers are encouraged to attend these training sessions as well so they gain a full understanding of the terminology and the need to relay such information.

Find a friendly and relaxed location for training with plenty of room. A room that is built for public speaking usually works best. Many locations, like community centers, schools, American Legions, volunteer fire falls etc, are free of charge and welcome this type of use. Having enough space for everyone to attend is very important. The training may be your first impression on the group so make sure it is high quality.

Methods of participation

Skywarn has long been associated with ham radio. Many NWS offices maintain an amateur radio station that is manned by amateur radio operators during times of severe weather. This allows licensed amateur radio spotters to transmit their severe weather reports directly to the NWS and receive up-to-date severe weather updates even if regular communications are disrupted or overloaded by the weather emergency. It does, however, require 1) the cooperation of the local Weather Forecast Office (WFO), and 2) that the station be manned continuously during severe weather events. Ham radio nets can operate to gather and relay information via landline telephone or Internet. Automatic weather station observations and spotter positions can be provided by the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS), which can also accommodate text message. Participation in the Skywarn program does not require an amateur radio license. More than half of all Skywarn spotters are not licensed amateur radio operators.

Many Skywarn spotters are members of emergency services such as volunteer fire departments, rescue squads, ambulance units, or police or sheriff’s departments.

The NWS encourages anyone with an interest in public service and access to some method of communication, such as amateur radio, telephone, the Internet, etc. to join the Skywarn program. Volunteers include police and fire personnel, dispatchers, EMS workers, public utility workers, truck drivers, mariners, aircraft pilots, and other concerned private citizens. Individuals affiliated with hospitals, schools, churches, nursing homes or who have a responsibility for protecting others are also strongly encouraged to become spotters.

Those without radio communication capability can still make their reports via cell phone, landline telephone, or the Internet.

Organizing Spotter Groups

Whether you have new interested spotters or an existing group, organization within the spotter network is essential. Each spotter should be informed of their importance in the overall warning process, understand their role in the network, and follow established procedures for reporting. The group will also need to establish or review activation procedures. Organizational meetings are highly encouraged, especially for new spotter groups.

Ideally, you would want all spotters and/or “contacts” to pass along their severe weather report through an Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Net Controller, or dispatch center for your county. The dispatcher or Net Controller can collect reports and pass them along to the NWS so warning decisions can be made as quickly as possible. This method also allows local authorities to make quick decisions regarding the activation of local warning systems if needed.

(Note: Information can be passed along to the NWS via telephone, NAWAS, amateur radio, 800 MHz, or point-to-point VHF Radio, if available.)

In rare circumstances, if a central EOC or dispatch center is not available, spotters may contact the NWS directly. Although reports would be received at the NWS rapidly, the shear number of incoming phone calls or radio contacts may bog down local NWS operations during its efforts to issue warnings.

Obtaining More Spotters

A storm spotter can be just about anyone, although amateur radio operators and/or volunteer fire department personnel make up a large nucleus of spotters in our region. When searching for additional or new storm spotters, consider the following groups which could be recruited as spotters:

  • Amateur Radio operators
  • Fire department personnel (paid or volunteer)
  • Law enforcement personnel (Sheriff, Police, etc.)
  • Ambulance services
  • City or county workers
  • Public utility workers
  • Postal workers
  • Local citizens / Farmers

Contact as many people and groups as possible to recruit additional storm spotters. This can be done by word of mouth, posting flyers, attending meetings, or using the local media if available.

When recruiting spotters, be sure they have the following characteristics:

  • COMMUNICATIONS – must have a quick and reliable means of relaying information.
  • TRAINING – must be willing to devote time and resources to training.
  • MOBILITY – must be able to position themselves to best and safely view the storm.
  • RELIABILITY – prefer to be available 24 hours a day.
  • ORGANIZATION – should be willing to become organized and work together.

Besides storm spotters, you can also try to establish dedicated and stationary severe weather “contacts” to obtain reports when storms are moving through their area. The NWS commonly uses this in addition to storm spotter networks. “Contacts” are people, such as citizens, that report from their home or business on what type of weather is occurring at their location only. You would be surprised how many people enjoy keeping weather information and passing along their reports. Elements like wind speed, snow depth, hail size, or rainfall amounts from this type of spotter can be vary useful and help fill any gaps in coverage.

Spotter Network Quality

Nothing can beat pure experience and control when it comes to severe storm spotting. While training is essential, it may take several severe weather seasons for spotter groups to become experienced in what they are seeing and what to report. The EOC personnel, dispatcher, or Net Controller should work closely with the local NWS office in screening reports for accuracy. Less experienced spotters should work with veterans as mentors for at least a season.

Instill a sense of equality – no one group or organization is any better or more qualified than the other. Do not give special privileges or rank. Avoid winers. You may need to clarify who is really in charge since you likely will be working with volunteers.